Music Business
What Students Learn
Goal setting - We discuss personalised short, medium and long term goals to work towards.
Social media 101 - Setting up and linking social media accounts, what consumers and people in the music industry want to see.
Booking gigs - What a booker wants and how to get started.
ABN (Sole Trader) / Statement by supplier - If you’re getting paid to play music you must have one of these!
Invoicing - How to write an invoice and get paid.
Preparing songs for release - What you need to do before you can release a song.
Music Distribution - How to get your songs onto popular stream services which as: Spotify, Apple Music and more.
Music promo - Discuss ways to promote your music to the right audience.
Music industry sources of income - Where is the money in music and how are you going to get it.
Press release - How to write one and why they are important.
Touring – What to expect on tour, and how to make it work from first-hand experience.